The Behavioural Contract

At the beginning of the coaching process a “behavioural contract” should be drawn up which takes into account the needs of the sponsoring organisation and the changes required from a corporate perspective, the needs of the coaching client and the changes they want to make and the thoughts of the coach who synthesises this information…

No More Stress!

When you type the word ‘Stress’ into Google you get 123,000,000 hits; when you refine the search to newspaper articles you get 537,000. Open the newspapers, listen to the radio, or watch the television, and the theme of Stress is mentioned almost daily. Successful law suits are brought against employers who have not looked after…

CBC – A Guided Discovery

CBC (Cognitive Behavioural Coaching) does not give individuals answers to their difficulties but rather, through a collaborative process called ‘guided discovery’, assists them to devise their own conclusions and solutions. Guided discovery is based on ‘socratic questioning’ whereby the coach asks a series of questions that enables the individual to become aware of the way…

The Origins of Cognitive Behavioural Coaching

In the 1960s, US psychiatrist Aaron Temkin Beck noticed that his patients tended to engage in ‘internal dialogue’, as if they were talking to themselves. He realised that there was a link between thoughts and feelings and he created the term ‘automatic thoughts’ to describe emotion-flled thoughts that pop up inthe mind. Beck found that…